Sunday, December 28, 2008

Special: The Presentation of Jesus

Luke 2:22-38 - Pastor Jim Jackson presents a special message about Jesus' presentation at the temple, focusing specifically on the faith of Simeon and Anna.

Special: Psalm 33

Psalm 33. Pastor Jim Jackson preaches on this beautiful Psalm, focusing on the sovereignty of God even through difficult circumstances. Preached on 12/28/2008.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 53: The Tale of Two Chickens

John 18:12-27 - Jesus is arrested. Peter denies Jesus three times as Christ is questioned before the High Priest. Preached on 11/30/08.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt.52: A Garden of Prayer Becomes a Garden of Evil

John 18:1-11 - Judas leads a band of soldiers to the garden where Jesus and the disciples are praying. Peter tries to fight back, but Jesus rebukes him. Preached on 11/23/08.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 51: Unity Through Law and Love, Contract and Connection

John 17:14-26 - Jesus petitions the Father that His disciples would be in the world but set apart to Him. Preached on 11/16/08.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 50: The Son Phones Home

John 17:1-13 - Jesus prays for the glorification of the Father and the sanctification of His disciples. Preached on 11/9/08.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 49: From Confusion to Clarity and Sorrow to Joy

John 16:16-24 - Christ prophesies the disciples' coming sorrow, but also the fullness of their joy. Preached on 11/2/08.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 48: The Helper of Humanity

John 16:5-15 - Jesus teaches the disciples about the Holy Spirit's ministry of leading believers into truth and glorifying the Son. Preached on 10/26/08.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 47: The Love That Divides

John 15:18-16:4 - Jesus teaches the disciples on the reason for persecution: that the world hates Christ. Preached on 10/12/08.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 46: The Love That Serves

John 15:12-17. Jesus teaches the disciples to love one another and the necessity of bearing good fruit. Preached on 10/5/08.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 45: The Love That Abides

John 15:1-11 - Jesus commands the disciples to abide in Him as the True Vine. Preached on 9-28-08.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 44: The Love That Obeys

John 14:15-31 - Jesus teaches the disciples about the Holy Spirit. Preached on 9-21-08 .

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 43: Spiritual GPS

John 14:1-14 - Jesus claims to be the only way to the Father. Preached on 9/14/08.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 42: A New Command & A Hard Lesson

John 13:31-38 - Peter vows to follow Jesus until the end, but Jesus prophesies his denial. Preached on 8/24/08.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 41: Judas - From Disciple to Devil

John 13:18-30 - Judas, possessed by Satan, goes out to betray Jesus. Preached on 8/17/08.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 40: The Savior Slave

John 13:1-17 - Jesus becomes a servant by washing His disciples' feet. Preached on 8/3/08.

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 39 Gazing at the Invisible God

John 12:37-50. Jesus came to fulfill Isiah prophecy.The invisible God, that all humans know exists because it is written into their hearts, was finally ‘enfleshed’ or incarnated into history for everyone to see. The people who witnessed Jesus in the flesh got to witness the invisible God first-hand. (Preached on 8/10/08)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 38 By Death of a Seed the Fruit Succeeds

John 12:20-36. The Greeks had an interest in Jesus' Ministry, and He explains how he will been hung on a cross. God Speaks to Jesus signing that Jesus' death is Gods' plan and Jesus will conquer Satan. (Preached on 8/3/08)

Audio None
Notes: John 12:20

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 37 Coronation of a King on a Colt

John 12:12-19. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a colt. The people recognize the messiah and the Pharisees rebuke him. (Preached on 7/27/08)


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 36 The Scent of a Savior

John 12:1-11. A close personal friend of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, they threw a party to honor Him and celebrate Lazarus resurrecting from the dead.  (Preached on 7/20/08)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 35 The High Priest Showdown: Caiaphas vs. Jesus

John 11:45-57. To the general public Jesus was a good man and excellent teacher who could do supernatural acts which included resurrecting the dead. To the leaders, Jesus was a deceiver who would incite the Romans to take away their Temple. The Religious Leader Plan to Kill Jesus, (Preached on 7/13/08)


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 34 The Day God Cried: Lazarus Lives, Dies and Lives

John 11:28-44. Mary and Martha trust Jesus. Though they had no hope that they would see Lazarus before ‘Judgment Day’, Jesus was soon to show them the 'glory of God.' (Preached on 7/6/08)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 33 The ‘Resurrector’ Comes to Town

John 11:1-27. Throughout His travels, Jesus had met and helped many people who became friends and supporters that loved Him deeply. Jesus waited two days on purpose to test their faith in Him and His power. Following or loving Jesus does not protect a Christian from sickness, pain or death. (Preached on 6/29/08)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 32 Cold Weather, Frozen Hearts, Hard Theology

John 10:22-42. Jesus was surrounded by the religious leaders looking for a reason to arrest or kill Him. So Jesus gave it to them. He claimed to be able to give people eternal life and save sinners from God's judgment. Also, He claimed to be God. (Preached on 6/22/08) 


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 31 Your Savior is a Shepherd, and Your God is a Gate

John 10:1-21. Sheep rely on their shepherd for protection. God desires to love us and lead our lives giving us everything we need. We must heed the voice of God and run to our Shepherd when He calls us by name. (Preached on 6/15/08).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 30 Blindsightedness

John 9:24-41. The Pharisees erroneously believed that if someone was born with an infirmity it showed God's punishment on the parents sin or the mans ‘pre-born’ sin. Jesus had healed the blind man, but had caused the breaking of the Pharisees Legalism. (Preached on 6/8/08)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 29 Mud Optometry

John 9:4-23. Jesus had healed people with just His word or His touch before, but here He uses His own spit to make a mud salve to heal the beggars eyes out of his faith in humiliation. It is also a parallel of the creation of Adam. (Preached on 6/1/08/)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 28 Lessons in the Darkness: The Secrets of Suffering

John 9:1-3. Jesus teaches the disciples that the man was not cursed but his suffering is a chance to show the greatness and glory of God. (Preached on 5/25/08) 

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 27 Jesus Gets Stoned For Bad Grammar

John 8:48-59.  Jesus was about 33 years old, the leaders mocked His assertion that He and Abraham had ‘seen’ each other. Jesus did not say Abraham saw, but Abraham rejoiced as he looked forward in faith to the Messiahs time of ministry. The Religious Leaders wanted to Stone Jesus to death for his suppose 'inaccuracies'. (Preached on 5/18/08)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 26 A Slave or a Son?

John 8:31-47. Jesus Teaches we are either slaves to our sin and sinful nature or we are a Son of God that gain full rights and are set free by submitting and following God. (Preached on 5/11/08)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 25 Will Jesus Kill Himself?

John 8:13-30. Jesus makes a clear statement of His method of death—He will be ‘lifted up’ on a cross. He wont die by His own hand (suicide) but will die by their hand (murder). (Preached on 5/4/08)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 24 When the Son Shines

John 8:12. The OT promised that when the Messiah came it would be a time of spiritual light for Israel and the whole world. Jesus claims to be the singular source of spiritual light for the world. (Preached on 4/27/08).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 23 Sex, a Stone and a Savior

John 8:1-11. Religious leaders set a trap for Jesus trying to lure him into sin. Jesus Rejects the temptation of sin and convicts them of the adulteress tactic. Then calls the adulterous women to have a change of heart and repentance of sin. (Preached on 4/20/08).

No Audio.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 22 Division and Confusion—Jesus Stirs the Pot

John 7:40-52. Jesus Divinity is challenging the Jewish leaders religious legalism. They we divided whether Jesus was a Prophet or the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. (Preached on 4/13/08).

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 21 Salvation: By Invitation Only

John 7:37-39. Jesus takes this opportunity to invite all the people in the Temple to come to Him as their spiritual provider and ask them to be born again by/with the Holy Spirit. (Preached on 4/6/08). 

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 20 Taught by the Master of Divinity

John 7:14-36. Jesus learned all he know from His Heavenly Father and the guidance of Holy Spirit. He challenges the religious leaders and there legalism in the Old Testament Laws. (Preached on 3/30/08).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 19 My Family, My Enemy

John 7:1-13.  Jesus trusted His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirits guidance that his Fathers will would be glorifying to him. His Family had no believe that he was God incarnated or the Messiah which was discouraging. (Preached on 3/23/08),

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 18 The Army of Jesus Defects

John 6:60-71. After Jesus miraculously feeds the 5000 men, Jesus tells the people they must ‘feed’ on His body and drink His blood to have eternal life (v 54) they reject His teaching as unbelievable. (Preached on 3/16/08) 


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 17 Jesus the Cannibal

John 6:41-59. Jesus was fully Human and Fully God, he proclaimed the truth/word with boldness. The way he spoke and taught was difficult to understand by using symbolism, and if taken literally would confuse people. (Preached on 3/9/08)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 16 The Eternal Meal is Delivered

John 6:22-40. After Jesus walks on water, he cut to the issue of works and Jesus tells them its not physical labor or striving but simply believing in Him and His work. (Preached on 3/2/08)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 15 Walking and Talking on a Sea Like Cement

John 6:16-21. After Jesus feed the people. Jesus leaves to pray sending the disciples ahead of him in the Sea of Galilee. As the disciples are in the sea they encounters a storm and Jesus come to their rescue while walking on the water. (Preached on 2/24/08)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 14 “I’d Like to Make Reservations for 15,000 Please”

John 6:1-15. Jesus feeds fish and bread to the multitudes of people who have been following Jesus and his ministry for the past 2 years. (Preached on 2/17/08)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 13 Can I Get a Witness?

John 5:31-47. Jesus speaks of a motif about who bears witness of Jesus. This motif is not a trial for Jesus, but a trial for the world by Jesus. (Preached on 2/10/08)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 12 Jesus Drafts His Death Warrant

John 5:17-30. As Jesus claims to be the true Son of God, the Jewish leaders try to find a reason to put him to death. Even though it was not against the Law to claim to be equal with God, it was to commit blasphemy to God. (Preached on 2/3/08)



Sunday, January 27, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 11 When Healing was Illegal

John 5:1-16. Jesus is healed a man who was considered invalid for 30 years on the Sabbath day. The Jewish leaders use this opportunity of legalism to try to persecute Jesus for working on the Sabbath.Which by the oral tradition of the law is to not work on the Sabbath day. (Preached on 1/27/08)



Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 10 Like the Blind Reading the Signs

John 4:43-54. Jesus returns to Galilee, where a Royal Official's Son who was near death. The son was healed by Jesus because the father believed in Jesus' word by faith. (Preached on 1/20/08)

No Audio.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 9 Divine Cuisine

John 4:27-42.  Jesus encounters a Women who shares here testimony to the Samaritans, and the Coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ. Jesus teaches that God's will should be our hearts desire, not worldly desires. (Preached on 1/13/08)


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 8 The Reject Becomes Righteous

John 4:1-26. Jesus speaks to a Samaritan woman about her sexual sin and enlightens her to the truth of her need of a savior the Messiah. (Preached on 1/6/08)

