Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 15 Walking and Talking on a Sea Like Cement

John 6:16-21. After Jesus feed the people. Jesus leaves to pray sending the disciples ahead of him in the Sea of Galilee. As the disciples are in the sea they encounters a storm and Jesus come to their rescue while walking on the water. (Preached on 2/24/08)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 14 “I’d Like to Make Reservations for 15,000 Please”

John 6:1-15. Jesus feeds fish and bread to the multitudes of people who have been following Jesus and his ministry for the past 2 years. (Preached on 2/17/08)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 13 Can I Get a Witness?

John 5:31-47. Jesus speaks of a motif about who bears witness of Jesus. This motif is not a trial for Jesus, but a trial for the world by Jesus. (Preached on 2/10/08)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Life and Times of Jesus Pt. 12 Jesus Drafts His Death Warrant

John 5:17-30. As Jesus claims to be the true Son of God, the Jewish leaders try to find a reason to put him to death. Even though it was not against the Law to claim to be equal with God, it was to commit blasphemy to God. (Preached on 2/3/08)

