Sunday, August 24, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 42: A New Command & A Hard Lesson

John 13:31-38 - Peter vows to follow Jesus until the end, but Jesus prophesies his denial. Preached on 8/24/08.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 41: Judas - From Disciple to Devil

John 13:18-30 - Judas, possessed by Satan, goes out to betray Jesus. Preached on 8/17/08.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 40: The Savior Slave

John 13:1-17 - Jesus becomes a servant by washing His disciples' feet. Preached on 8/3/08.

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 39 Gazing at the Invisible God

John 12:37-50. Jesus came to fulfill Isiah prophecy.The invisible God, that all humans know exists because it is written into their hearts, was finally ‘enfleshed’ or incarnated into history for everyone to see. The people who witnessed Jesus in the flesh got to witness the invisible God first-hand. (Preached on 8/10/08)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 38 By Death of a Seed the Fruit Succeeds

John 12:20-36. The Greeks had an interest in Jesus' Ministry, and He explains how he will been hung on a cross. God Speaks to Jesus signing that Jesus' death is Gods' plan and Jesus will conquer Satan. (Preached on 8/3/08)

Audio None
Notes: John 12:20