Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 57: God Dies

John 19:28-37 - Jesus, God in the flesh, dies on the cross, vicariously and voluntarily. Preached on 1/25/2009.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 55: God is Tortured

John 19:1-16 - Jesus is flogged and mocked by the soldiers. Pilate reluctantly hands Him over to be crucified. Preached on 1/11/2009.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 54: Judging the Truth

John 18:28-40 - The Jewish leaders bring Jesus before Pilate, who questions Him about truth. The angry crowd chooses to release a murderer rather than the Messiah. Preached on 1/4/2009.