Sunday, September 19, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 34 Plague 10: Death of the Firstborn

Exodus11:1-12:13; 29-36. God unleashes the tenth plague of killing off the first born children in Egypt. (Preached on 9/19/10)



Sunday, September 5, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 33 Plagues 7-9: Hail, Locusts, Darkness

Exodus 9:13-10:29. Part 3.  Moses Threaten Pharaoh with the Plagues (Hail, Locusts, and Darkness.) God spares his people and punishes Pharaoh for his hard heart. (Preach on 9/5/10)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 32 Plagues 4-6: Flies, Livestock, Boils

Exodus 8:20-9:12. Part 2. Moses Threaten Pharaoh with the Plagues (Flies, Livestock, and Boils.) God spares his people and punishes Pharaoh for his hard heart. (Preach on 8/22/10)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 31 Plagues 1-3: Blood, Frogs, Gnats

Exodus 7:14-8:19. Part 1. Moses threaten Pharaoh with the the Plagues (Blood, Frogs, Gnats). (Preached on 8/15/10)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The OT—PMDD, Pt. 30 Pharaoh Rejects Moses’ Demand

Exodus 5:1-6:13.  Moses arrives at the royal palace and delivers the message of freedom for the Israelites to Pharaoh. Pharaoh refuses to let them go and increases their burden of work. (Preached on 8/8/10)

No Audio
Notes: Exodus

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 29 Moses Goes to Egypt

Exodus 4:1-31. Moses is told by God to return to Egypt to rescue the people from slavery. (Preached on 8/1/10)

Audio: Exodus 4
Notes: Exodus 4 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 28 Moses Meets God

Exodus 3:1-22.  Now 80 years old, when Moses moved his flock west to the Sinai Peninsula, at Mt. Horeb/Sinai Moses encounters God from a burning bush. (Preached 7/18/2010)


Sunday, June 20, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 26 :Moses is Born

Exodus 1:1-2:10.  The Pharaoh of Egypt became concerned about the number of Israelites throughout the land and commanded to put every Israelite male to death and spare every female. She hides baby Moses, his mother put him in a basket in the Nile where Pharaoh’s daughter rescued him and raised him as her own.(Preached on 6/20/10)

No Audio

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 25 :Israel is Buried and Joseph Dies

Genesis 50:1-26. Jacob/Israel died at 147 years old in the land of Egypt. After his death Joseph carried his bones to Canaan to bury him-like he promised. Joseph requests a leave of absence from his role as Egyptian Prime minister and the Pharaoh grants it. Josephs brothers fear for their lives after the death of their father. (Preached on 6/13/2010) 

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 27 Moses the Murderer

Exodus 2:11-25. In the prime of his royal life, Moses murders a guard for beating an Israelite. Knowing he will be killed for his actions by the Pharaoh, he escapes to Midian where he meets his future wife Zipporah and father-in-law, Reuel. (Preached on 6/13/10)

No Audio:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The OT:PMDD—Pt. 24 :Israel Blesses Joseph’s Sons

Genesis 48:1-22. Joseph has been called to come visit his ailing father Jacob who is now 147 years old. Joseph brings along his sons Manasseh and Ephraim who were born from his Egyptian wife Asenath. (Preached on 6/6/10) 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 23 :Israel Goes Into Egypt

Genesis 46:1-7, 26-47:12, 27-31. Jacob (renamed ‘Israel’ by God—32:28) is now 130 years old and has left the plains of Canaan because of the famine. God gave the land of Canaan to Jacobs descendent's but allows them to relocate to Egypt for a time (28:13). (Preached on 5/30/10)

No Audio

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 22 :Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Genesis 44:18-45:28. Pharaoh later hears of Josephs brothers arrival and welcomes them. The Brothers not recognizing Joseph he tested the, and later he breaks down and reveals he is the brother they sold! Joseph states he is able to forgive because he has faith in the goodness and sovereignty of God. (Preached on 5/23/2010)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 21 :Joseph Meets His Brothers Again

Genesis 42:1-38. Being almost 40 years old, Joseph has not seen his brothers since he was 17 when he was sold by them into Egyptian slavery. Joseph’s brothers have been sent by their father Jacob to buy grain in Egypt because the famine was severe in Canaan. (5/16/2010)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The OT:PMDD—Pt. 20 :Joseph, the Cupbearer and the Pharaoh

Genesis 41:1-57. Joseph is remembered by the cupbearer for interpreting his dream and predicting the outcome. The Pharaoh has had dreams that bother him to the point of seeking an interpretation, so he gathers all his officials to hear their advice. (5/9/2010)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 19 :Joseph, the Cupbearer and the Baker

Genesis 40:1-23. Being falsely accused of attempted rape by his master’s wife, Joseph is thrown in prison. Before the Pharaoh ate or drank anything the cupbearer consumed it first to test for contamination. The cupbearer trusted the baker with his life and the Pharaoh trusted the cupbearer with his life. Apparently there was some security issue with the meals, and because the Pharaoh did not know who was at fault, he decided to incarcerate both until an investigation was complete. (4/27/10)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 12 :Abraham and Melchizedek

Genesis 14:1-24. Lot, who is the nephew of Abraham and had moved with him to Canaan when Abraham left Haran, has taken up residence in Sodom. (Preached on 2/21/2010)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 18 :Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife

Genesis 39:1-23. Joseph’s father Jacob sent him 100 miles north to check on the welfare of his brothers shepherding near Shechem. After arriving, he is kidnapped by them and sold to traders going to Egypt.  Once in Egypt, seventeen year old Joseph is then sold as a slave to Potiphar who is the captain over a guard for the Pharaoh.(4/18/2010)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 17 :Joseph Sold By His Brothers

Genesis 37:1-36. Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel, with Rachel being his favorite. Of the twelve sons Jacob had, Joseph, the firstborn of Rachel, was his most cherished son. They decide to throw Joseph in a dry well then sell him to passing traders on their way to Egypt. (4/11/2010)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 16 :Dinah and Jacob’s Sons

Genesis 34:1-31.  Dinah was Jacob’s daughter and probably a teenager when he moved his clan near the city of Shechem to dwell. Dinah may have been curious about the way the women of Shechem lived so she leaves her family to ‘scout out’ the local customs and culture. (3/21/10)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 15 :Jacob and God

Genesis 32:22-33:11. Jacob, now 97 years old, has been living with the clan of his father-in-law. Laban and his sons have become jealous of Jacob and his growing wealth so God calls him to return to the land of Canaan where he fled from his brother Esau. (Preached on 3/14/2010)


Sunday, March 7, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 14 :Jacob and Rachel

Genesis 29:1-30. After cheating his brother Esau out of the patriarchal blessing by deceiving his father Isaac, Jacob flees in fear 500 miles north to Haran.(Preached on 3/7/10)

No Audio:

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 13 :Jacob and Esau

Genesis 27:1-44. Becoming frail and blind at 137 years old, Isaac thinks he is nearing the day of his death and wants to settle family business before he dies. (Preached on 2/28/2010)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 11 :A Bride for Isaac, part 2

Genesis 24:29-67. Abraham’s chief servant is sent 500 miles north to find Isaac a wife from among Abraham’s relatives near the village of Nahor. (Preached on 2/14/2010) 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 10 :A Bride for Isaac, part 1

Genesis 24:1-28. As Abraham is nearing 140 years old he sends his chief servant, the daily manager of his affairs, to carry out the special task of finding a wife for his son Isaac. (Preached on 2/7/2010)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 9: Sodom & Gomorrah

Genesis 18:1-19:29. God has determined to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their exceeding wickedness. Abraham tries to intercede for them, but eventually realizes that the cities are indeed totally consumed by evil. 1/31/2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 8: Abraham & Isaac

Genesis 22:1-19. God calls Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, through whom the chosen nation was to come. Only when Abraham raises the knife to slay his beloved son does the Lord stay his hand, seeing that His servant had passed the test of faith. 1/24/2010.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 7: Sarah & Hagar

Genesis 16:1-16. Sarah grows anxious as she and her husband grow older without any sign of the numerous descendants that God promised them. Instead of trusting God to fulfill His word, she gives her servant Hagar to Abraham to produce a child. Abraham goes along with this plan, and their lack of faith leads to conflict and war in the Middle East for thousands of years to come. 1/17/2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 6: Abraham & Sarah

Genesis 12:10-20; 20:1-18. God calls Abraham to leave his hometown of Ur to occupy the land of Canaan, promising him that his descendants would inherit the land later known as Israel. But when Abraham travels to Egypt, he chooses to fear the Pharaoh rather than trust his God, resulting in a compromising situation for him, the Pharaoh, and his own wife. 1/10/2010.