Sunday, June 29, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 33 The ‘Resurrector’ Comes to Town

John 11:1-27. Throughout His travels, Jesus had met and helped many people who became friends and supporters that loved Him deeply. Jesus waited two days on purpose to test their faith in Him and His power. Following or loving Jesus does not protect a Christian from sickness, pain or death. (Preached on 6/29/08)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 32 Cold Weather, Frozen Hearts, Hard Theology

John 10:22-42. Jesus was surrounded by the religious leaders looking for a reason to arrest or kill Him. So Jesus gave it to them. He claimed to be able to give people eternal life and save sinners from God's judgment. Also, He claimed to be God. (Preached on 6/22/08) 


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 31 Your Savior is a Shepherd, and Your God is a Gate

John 10:1-21. Sheep rely on their shepherd for protection. God desires to love us and lead our lives giving us everything we need. We must heed the voice of God and run to our Shepherd when He calls us by name. (Preached on 6/15/08).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 30 Blindsightedness

John 9:24-41. The Pharisees erroneously believed that if someone was born with an infirmity it showed God's punishment on the parents sin or the mans ‘pre-born’ sin. Jesus had healed the blind man, but had caused the breaking of the Pharisees Legalism. (Preached on 6/8/08)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Life & Times of Jesus, Pt. 29 Mud Optometry

John 9:4-23. Jesus had healed people with just His word or His touch before, but here He uses His own spit to make a mud salve to heal the beggars eyes out of his faith in humiliation. It is also a parallel of the creation of Adam. (Preached on 6/1/08/)