Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas: Magi

Matthew 2:2-12. A year or so after Jesus' birth, the rich and powerful Magi from Persia come to worship Him. Ironically, the Jewish "wise men" were unable to figure out when He was coming even though they had the written prophecies! 12/27/2009.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas: Mary

Luke 1:26-40. Mary's hopes and dreams for the future are shattered when an angel informs her of the miraculous life growing inside of her. Yet, because her life's mission is to glorify God, she submits to God's will graciously. 12/20/2009.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas: Joseph

Matthew 1:18-25. Joseph discovers Mary's pregnancy and wants to resolve the issue quietly so as not to bring her shame. But when an angel informs Joseph of the divine nature of this occurrence, he decides to follow God's will even though it would mean his public disgrace. 12/13/2009.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 5: Tower of Babel

Genesis 11:1-9. Disregarding God's command to fill the earth and multiply, Noah's descendants decide instead to congregate and build a large city and a tower God responds by confusing their languages, so as to force them to spread throughout the earth. 11/29/2009.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 4: Noah

Genesis 6:1-22. In the midst of the great wickedness of all mankind, Noah finds favor with the Lord. Noah is obedient to God's command to build a large ship to escape the coming judgment upon the whole earth, saving both his own life and that of future generations. 11/15/2009.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 3: Cain & Abel

Genesis 4:1-16. In contrast with Abel's sacrifice, Cain brings an unacceptable offering to God, and becomes angry when God rejects it. Instead of heeding God's counsel to master his sin, one of the first humans murders his own brother out of jealousy. 11/8/2009.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 2: Adam & Eve

Genesis 2:7-3:24. God revealed His design for man and woman to live out their roles in right relationship to one another and to Him. But when Satan showed up to deceive Eve, Adam failed to lead and Eve failed to follow, plunging the human race into spiritual death and rebellion against God. 11/1/2009.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 1: God

Genesis 1:1-2:3. The uncreated and eternal God created the universe and all life ex nihilo, out of nothing. Man was created good and innocent in the image of God before sin entered the world. 10/25/2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

5 S's of Christianity Pt. 5: The Surrender - Our Appreciation

Various texts. In response to the saving work of God, Christians are called to surrender their lives in service to God. Preached on 10/11/2009.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

5 S's of Christianity Pt. 4: The Salvation - God's Determination

Various texts. God chose us for salvation before time began. Yet God's desire is for all people to have eternal life, and for all believers to have eternal security and joy. Preached on 10/4/2009.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

5 S's of Christianity Pt. 3: The Savior - God's Mediation

Various texts - Jesus Christ is the Mediator for man, preserving the Father's justice while saving sinners. Preached on 9/27/2009.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

5 S's of Christianity Pt. 2: The Sin - Our Violation

Various texts. Mankind has altogether abandoned God, and all pursue their own desires rather than God. God, as a perfectly holy and righteous Creator, must judge each person for their actions. Preached on 9/20/2009.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

5 S's of Christianity Pt. 1: The Standard - God's Expectation

Various texts. The standard of God's perfection is the ultimate measure of conduct for all mankind. God is the judge of all moral creatures. Preached on 9/13/2009.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Revive Bootleg: Treasure in a Field

Matthew 13:44-46. Join us for a "bootleg" recording of Pastor Jim Jackson preaching at Upland Christian Academy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 62: Breakfast on the Beach

John 21:1-14 - The disciples have returned to work as fishermen when Jesus appears to them and works a miracle. Preached on 3/8/2009.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 61: A Room of Fear Becomes a Room of Faith

John 20:19-31 - The disciples cower in fear in an upper room, but are boldly met by the resurrected Jesus. Thomas doubts at first, but then is fully convinced and believes. Preached on 2/22/2009.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 60: God Appears

John 20:11-18 - Mary goes from sorrow to joy upon seeing her resurrected Savior. Preached on 2/15/2009.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 59: God Rises!

John 20:1-10 - Resurrection! Mary comes to the tomb only to find it unoccupied. Jesus had risen again, conquering death. Preached on 2/8/2009.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 58: God is Buried

John 19:38-42 - Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus publicly claim their Savior's body in a bold public statement of their allegiance to Him. Christ is laid in the tomb. Preached on 2/1/2009.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 57: God Dies

John 19:28-37 - Jesus, God in the flesh, dies on the cross, vicariously and voluntarily. Preached on 1/25/2009.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 55: God is Tortured

John 19:1-16 - Jesus is flogged and mocked by the soldiers. Pilate reluctantly hands Him over to be crucified. Preached on 1/11/2009.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life & Times of Jesus Pt. 54: Judging the Truth

John 18:28-40 - The Jewish leaders bring Jesus before Pilate, who questions Him about truth. The angry crowd chooses to release a murderer rather than the Messiah. Preached on 1/4/2009.