Sunday, January 31, 2010

The OT: PMDD —Pt. 9: Sodom & Gomorrah

Genesis 18:1-19:29. God has determined to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their exceeding wickedness. Abraham tries to intercede for them, but eventually realizes that the cities are indeed totally consumed by evil. 1/31/2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 8: Abraham & Isaac

Genesis 22:1-19. God calls Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, through whom the chosen nation was to come. Only when Abraham raises the knife to slay his beloved son does the Lord stay his hand, seeing that His servant had passed the test of faith. 1/24/2010.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 7: Sarah & Hagar

Genesis 16:1-16. Sarah grows anxious as she and her husband grow older without any sign of the numerous descendants that God promised them. Instead of trusting God to fulfill His word, she gives her servant Hagar to Abraham to produce a child. Abraham goes along with this plan, and their lack of faith leads to conflict and war in the Middle East for thousands of years to come. 1/17/2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The OT: PMDD— Pt. 6: Abraham & Sarah

Genesis 12:10-20; 20:1-18. God calls Abraham to leave his hometown of Ur to occupy the land of Canaan, promising him that his descendants would inherit the land later known as Israel. But when Abraham travels to Egypt, he chooses to fear the Pharaoh rather than trust his God, resulting in a compromising situation for him, the Pharaoh, and his own wife. 1/10/2010.