Sunday, May 30, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 23 :Israel Goes Into Egypt

Genesis 46:1-7, 26-47:12, 27-31. Jacob (renamed ‘Israel’ by God—32:28) is now 130 years old and has left the plains of Canaan because of the famine. God gave the land of Canaan to Jacobs descendent's but allows them to relocate to Egypt for a time (28:13). (Preached on 5/30/10)

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 22 :Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Genesis 44:18-45:28. Pharaoh later hears of Josephs brothers arrival and welcomes them. The Brothers not recognizing Joseph he tested the, and later he breaks down and reveals he is the brother they sold! Joseph states he is able to forgive because he has faith in the goodness and sovereignty of God. (Preached on 5/23/2010)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 21 :Joseph Meets His Brothers Again

Genesis 42:1-38. Being almost 40 years old, Joseph has not seen his brothers since he was 17 when he was sold by them into Egyptian slavery. Joseph’s brothers have been sent by their father Jacob to buy grain in Egypt because the famine was severe in Canaan. (5/16/2010)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The OT:PMDD—Pt. 20 :Joseph, the Cupbearer and the Pharaoh

Genesis 41:1-57. Joseph is remembered by the cupbearer for interpreting his dream and predicting the outcome. The Pharaoh has had dreams that bother him to the point of seeking an interpretation, so he gathers all his officials to hear their advice. (5/9/2010)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The OT: PMDD—Pt. 19 :Joseph, the Cupbearer and the Baker

Genesis 40:1-23. Being falsely accused of attempted rape by his master’s wife, Joseph is thrown in prison. Before the Pharaoh ate or drank anything the cupbearer consumed it first to test for contamination. The cupbearer trusted the baker with his life and the Pharaoh trusted the cupbearer with his life. Apparently there was some security issue with the meals, and because the Pharaoh did not know who was at fault, he decided to incarcerate both until an investigation was complete. (4/27/10)