Sunday, July 26, 2015

1 Samuel 2:12-36 - Worship the King with a Pure Heart (Part 2)

King of Kings, Part 2
Worship the King with a Pure Heart
1 Samuel 2:12-36

A. Worthless men and contempt for God, (12-17)
  1. Worthless men - They did not know the Lord
  2. What was the result of not knowing God? They did not submit to the Lord’s instruction for His worship.
  3. They kept best for themselves and leftover for God

B. Before we rush to judgement we must examine ourselves
  1. How do we worship God
  2. What is our attitude toward God
  3. We should worship our God with a joyful heart and we must demonstrate obedience to Him.

C. Sign of Hope, (V18-21)
  1. Focus changes from wicked sons of Eli to Samuel
  2. We should not be discouraged with Eli’s Son as God provides provision for His people
  3. V21, “And the boy Samuel grew in the presence of the Lord.
  4. Samuel was a prophet, he anointed the first two kings of Israel, and he was the last in the line of Israel’s judges, (Acts 13:20)

D. Eli’s son ignored their father’s warning and continued sinning, (22-25)
  1. Eli's failure is seen as he did nothing to correct his wicked actions.
  2. In dealing with his grown sons, Eli had an obligation at least to remove them from their office and appoint qualified priests.

E. The favor of God, (v26)
  1. Luke 2;52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
  2. Seek to honor God an do not neglect to please God.

F. Judgement and promise of hope, (v 27-36)
  1. We must learn to honor God as He should be our priority
  2. In the midst of God’d judgement we see His faithfulness, v35
  3. Christ is the faithful priest, who offered Himself to satisfy divine judgement.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 - Helpless Man, Sovereign God (Part 1)

Helpless Man, Sovereign God
King of Kings, Part 1
1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Where are we at in Israel’s history?
– In Promised Land
– Worship at Tabernacle
– Dry spiritually
What is the narrative of 1 Samuel?
– Eli, Samuel, Saul, David
What are the theological themes of 1 Samuel?
– Kingship of God/Sovereignty of God
– Importance of obeying God’s word from the heart.
How do we apply 1 Samuel to our lives?
– God’s character
– God’s works
– Spiritual Lessons
– Foreshadowing of King Jesus
1. Helplessness – God closes (1:1-8)
– Her Barrenness
– Her Rival
– Her husband’s counsel
2. Prayerfulness – God hears (1:9-18)
– She prays passionately
– She vows sincerely
3. Fruitfulness – God remembers (1:19-28)
– Bigger than just Hannah
4. Faithfulness – God is glorified (2:1-11)
– Action
– Word


Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Expressions of Worship

The Expressions of Worship

Every part of our Church gatherings are worship

  • Word
  • Ordinances
  • Prayer
  • Music

What are the honest and reverent responses to the Glory and Holiness of God?
1. The binding factor in all division is the Gospel.
2. The Worship of the Church should be Christ-centered.

An honest and reverent response towards God is one that is acted upon within the limits of the Gospel of Christ, in all its dimensions.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Meaning of Worship

The Meaning of Worship

What is it and why do we do it?

Worship is an honest and reverent response to the Glory and Holiness of God.

What does it mean to God?

It means God is blessed by his own glorification in community worship.
i. This community worship glorifies God by stating truth about Him and His works.
ii. This community worship glorifies God by the united voice of the saints.

What does it mean to us? 
It means we are blessed through glorifying God in all His Holiness.

i. We are most satisfied in life when we worship God according to His true worth.
ii. This experience is also individual. God does something to our personal lives.
