Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mark 6:1-13 - Faith in Action (Part 8)

Mark 6:1-13 Faith in Action
A-   Jesus had shown His Lordship, over:

1-    Nature- Mark 4: 39- Jesus calms the storm
2-    Demons- Mark 5:12-13 Jesus casting demons (Legion)
3-    Disease: Mark 5: 25 A woman was bleeding for 12 years got healed by touching his cloth.
4-    Death: Mark 5:35-42 Jesus healed Jairus daughter who was dead.

B-   Jesus teaching was known among Jewish circles.

1-    He taught in Synagogues- Mark1:21, “They went to Capernaum and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach”.
2-    People were amazed by him: Mark 1:22, “The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law”.
3-    People were aware about His authority and teachings:Mark1:28, “News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee”.

C-   Home town Rejection:
1-    The people of Nazareth were also amazed with unbelief, Mark 6:1-2.
2-    Fail to honor Jesus
3-    Showed lack of faith
4-    They referred to Jesus by
(1)  This man,
(2)  Carpenter,
(3)  Mary’s son

D-   Unbelief to stumbling block, V3:
1-    “The word for “offense” comes from the Greek word Skandalon, meaning “stumbling block”. The verb skandaliziem mean “to cause to stumble.” J. Edward, Pillar commentary.
2-    The people of Nazareth failed to recognize Messiah because they were preoccupied  with human limitations which became stumbling block for others.

E-   Faith in Action V-7-13
1    Go with little preparation, v 8-9
2     Stay where you are welcome, v 10-11

Lesson Learned:
1             We will face opposition from friends, families and loved ones.
2             Despite rejection or opposition keep continue serving God.
3             Trust in God who sends you rather than your own abilities or resources.

 By: Revive Church Posted: February 23, 2014


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mark 5:1-43 - Beyond Demons, Death, and Dying (Part 7)

Mark Series - Servant & Savior (PART 7)
Mark 5:1-43

LEGION'S ACCOUNT (Mark 5:1-20)
1. Legion's Focus
2. Legion's Distractions
3. Jesus' Focus
Legion's Witness of Faith

JAIRUS' ACCOUNT, Part A (Mark 5:21-24)
1. Jairus' Focus
2. Jairus' Distractions
3. Jesus' Focus

1. Her Focus
2. Her Distractions
3. Jesus' Focus
Her Witness of Faith

JAIRUS' ACCOUNT, Part B (Mark 5:35-43)
1. Jairus' Focus
2. Jairus' Distractions
3. Jesus' Focus
Jabirus' Witness of Faith

No story of Faith to tell?
Romans 14:11-12
Romans 10:8-18
Mark 4:14, 26-27; Matthew 28:18-20

 By: Revive Church Posted: February 16, 2014


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus Calms the Storm (Part 6)

Jesus: Servant & Savior - Gospel of Mark Series
Jesus Calms the Storm Mark 4:35-41
 I. Led by Jesus into the storm
 1. Jesus is the one to direct them over the Sea of Galilee
 2. At one of the first heights of their experience with Jesus, disaster strikes
 II. At Peace in Chaos
 1. Within Disaster, Jesus sleeps
 III. Faith in Jesus’ Authority over the Storm
 1. The ultimate authority of Jesus is further revealed
 2. The Providence of God in Disaster

 By: Revive Church Posted: February 9, 2014


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mark 4:1-29 - Reacting to the Gospel (Part 5)

Jesus: Servant & Savior - Gospel of Mark Series
Reacting to the Gospel
Mark 4:1-29

1.     Receive the gospel fruitfully.
a. Why the gospel doesn't take root:

Satan takes away the word immediately (4:15).
We give up on the word because life is hard (4:16-17).
We give up on the word because life is good (4:18-19).
b. How the last soil bears fruit:
-Hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit" (4:20)
2. Proclaim the gospel faithfully.
The good sower sows everywhere.
The good sower sows diligently.
The good sower sows and trusts.

 By: Revive Church Posted: February 2, 2014
