Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mark 6:1-13 - Faith in Action (Part 8)

Mark 6:1-13 Faith in Action
A-   Jesus had shown His Lordship, over:

1-    Nature- Mark 4: 39- Jesus calms the storm
2-    Demons- Mark 5:12-13 Jesus casting demons (Legion)
3-    Disease: Mark 5: 25 A woman was bleeding for 12 years got healed by touching his cloth.
4-    Death: Mark 5:35-42 Jesus healed Jairus daughter who was dead.

B-   Jesus teaching was known among Jewish circles.

1-    He taught in Synagogues- Mark1:21, “They went to Capernaum and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach”.
2-    People were amazed by him: Mark 1:22, “The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law”.
3-    People were aware about His authority and teachings:Mark1:28, “News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee”.

C-   Home town Rejection:
1-    The people of Nazareth were also amazed with unbelief, Mark 6:1-2.
2-    Fail to honor Jesus
3-    Showed lack of faith
4-    They referred to Jesus by
(1)  This man,
(2)  Carpenter,
(3)  Mary’s son

D-   Unbelief to stumbling block, V3:
1-    “The word for “offense” comes from the Greek word Skandalon, meaning “stumbling block”. The verb skandaliziem mean “to cause to stumble.” J. Edward, Pillar commentary.
2-    The people of Nazareth failed to recognize Messiah because they were preoccupied  with human limitations which became stumbling block for others.

E-   Faith in Action V-7-13
1    Go with little preparation, v 8-9
2     Stay where you are welcome, v 10-11

Lesson Learned:
1             We will face opposition from friends, families and loved ones.
2             Despite rejection or opposition keep continue serving God.
3             Trust in God who sends you rather than your own abilities or resources.

 By: Revive Church Posted: February 23, 2014


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