Sunday, August 24, 2014

Matthew 7:15-23 - Kingdom Warning! Follow 'Magnifying Glass' Instructions Closely (Part 16)

Kingdom Warning! Follow 'Magnifying Glass' Instructions Closely
Matthew 7:15-23

How Do I Want People to Treat Me? Matthew 7:12; 22:37-40;
1 Cor 10:31
In my flesh?
In Christ's Spirit?
By other believers?
By unbelievers?
The only answer:
How Is Jesus the Only Answer? Matthew 7:13-14; John 14:6; 10:9;
Luke 14:25-35; 1 Timothy 3:15; Revelation 17:14
The Narrow Gate

The Narrow Way

How Did All of These People Get  to This Final Judgement?
Three Warnings
What Is Our Response?

WARNING # 1: MANY WILL ENTER THE WIDE GATE!                    (7:13)
How does the 'broad' way lead to destruction?
What is many?

WARNING # 2: SOME WILL BE FALSE PROPHETS!                       (7:15)
How are they like ravenous wolves?
Why don't we warn each other more regarding spiritual things?

Often, why are they not easy to identify?
Jesus identifies their fruit as practitioners of lawlessness.
One major fruit is dissension. Galatians 5:19-21

HOW DO WE RESPOND?                                                            (7:21-23)
How do we respond in a way that brings 'all glory' to God?
We battle with Spiritual weapons
Judgement without hypocrisy, Matthew 7:1-5
Wisdom and gentleness,
Patient, waiting for God's Time,
Know the Lord's Plan, John 3:17-18; 5:28-30
"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" SO "In everything, treat people the
             same way you want them to treat you."

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