Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ephesians 5: 22-33 - Living to Serve, Loving to Die (Part 10)

Ephesians 5: 22-33 Marriage:
"Living to Submit, Loving to Die".

A. The role of Wife:

  • The wife has to submit to her husband.
  • Greek word hü-po-tä's-sō is used for the English word “submit”, meaning,“to arrange under, to subordinate”

Example of submission:

  • She should submit as she submits to the Lord.
  • Because the believer’s wife’s supreme submission is to the Lord.
  • Loving submission is done as an act of obedience to the Lord.

B. The role of Husband:

  • Christ like servant leadership
  • Dying for the wife
  • Christ died for His bride so that she can grow in holiness

Marriage is established by God. When a wife submits she is a reflection of the way Jesus submitted to the Father and as a husband loves he is an example of how God loves us. By living life this way they aren't only experiencing amazing  marriage life, but their marriage serves as an example of Christ loving His church.


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