Sunday, May 17, 2015

Colossians 2:16-23 - Greater than Legalism (Part 5)

Greater than Legalism
Colossians 2:16-23

1. What is legalism? (put each of the below definitions on their own slide)
- Legalism teaches that one must perform certain ethical/moral actions - even biblical commands - in order to earn salvation.
- Legalism teaches that extra-biblical ethics are required to really be a spiritual Christian.

2. Legalism is empty and can't save you.
- Legalism tells true Christians they’re not saved.
- Legalism misses the point.
- Legalism OR Jesus?

3. Legalism is ineffective and can't grow you.
- You died to the world.
- Legalism has an appearance of radical righteousness.
- Legalism doesn't work in fighting the flesh.


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