Sunday, July 19, 2015

1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 - Helpless Man, Sovereign God (Part 1)

Helpless Man, Sovereign God
King of Kings, Part 1
1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Where are we at in Israel’s history?
– In Promised Land
– Worship at Tabernacle
– Dry spiritually
What is the narrative of 1 Samuel?
– Eli, Samuel, Saul, David
What are the theological themes of 1 Samuel?
– Kingship of God/Sovereignty of God
– Importance of obeying God’s word from the heart.
How do we apply 1 Samuel to our lives?
– God’s character
– God’s works
– Spiritual Lessons
– Foreshadowing of King Jesus
1. Helplessness – God closes (1:1-8)
– Her Barrenness
– Her Rival
– Her husband’s counsel
2. Prayerfulness – God hears (1:9-18)
– She prays passionately
– She vows sincerely
3. Fruitfulness – God remembers (1:19-28)
– Bigger than just Hannah
4. Faithfulness – God is glorified (2:1-11)
– Action
– Word


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