Sunday, March 13, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 6 - Church Resolutions

Gospel in the City
Church Resolutions
Acts 6
Pankaj Macwan


  1. Widows were being overlooked in the daily serving of food
  2. Who should manage daily serving of food
  3. How to balance preaching the Word of God and helping people in the need.
Questions to consider:

  1.       Do we see cultural problems in the church today?
  2.       How we should work toward resolving this issue.
  3.       Should Pastor only focus on preaching and teaching the word of God
  4.       Do we see the appointment of seven as “Deacons”
  5.       How do we learn from the teachings of Jesus, Matthew 11:3-6
- The importance of hearing the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
- How do we intentionally help those who are in need

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Gospel In The City: Acts 5 - Problems In The Perfect Church

Gospel In The City
Problems In The Perfect Church
Acts 5
Russ Grelling

1. Problems in church can arise from the lukewarm hearts of God's people!
  • - There is a right way to serve God and give to God! 
  •  (1 Peter 4:11; Acts 17:25; Mark 10:45; Psalm 100:2; Matthew 23:23; Matthew 5:21; 1 Timothy 6:18) 
  • - You serve God and give to God by voluntary submission! 
  • (John 10:17-18; Acts 4:32; Acts 5:3-5; Ephesians 5:21ff)  
  • - There is a wrong way to serve God and give to God. (Acts 5:1-11) 
  • - The problem is NOT God's structure; the problem is the hearts of God's people.

2. Problems can arise in church from the success of a church's gospel structure. (5:12-16)
  • - Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to produce specific results. 
  • - People believe in the resurrected Christ. 
  • - Needy people are going to be drawn to the source of life. 
  • - Evangelistic opportunities will arise. 
  • - God's Word provides Gospel solutions. 
  • - Matthew 25:24-40 ; Acts 6

3. Problems can arise in church when jealous agendas provoke a dangerous environment.
  • - Mostly, in America, believers in our churches are not in danger. 
  • - There are places in this world that are dangerous for Christians. 
  • - Why does God call us into dangerous places? 
  • - What is the early church example? (Acts 5:17-42)

4. How do we respond to problems arising in church?
  • - Respond Biblically to sin. 
  • - Recognize that people's needs are real, and they are opportunities to lead people to belief, baptism and community. (1 Corinthians 9:23-24) 
  • - Reply to the world's jealousy with truth (Acts 5:29-32), voluntary/selective submission (Acts 5:40) and joyful proclamation (Acts 5:41-42).
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