Sunday, March 6, 2016

Gospel In The City: Acts 5 - Problems In The Perfect Church

Gospel In The City
Problems In The Perfect Church
Acts 5
Russ Grelling

1. Problems in church can arise from the lukewarm hearts of God's people!
  • - There is a right way to serve God and give to God! 
  •  (1 Peter 4:11; Acts 17:25; Mark 10:45; Psalm 100:2; Matthew 23:23; Matthew 5:21; 1 Timothy 6:18) 
  • - You serve God and give to God by voluntary submission! 
  • (John 10:17-18; Acts 4:32; Acts 5:3-5; Ephesians 5:21ff)  
  • - There is a wrong way to serve God and give to God. (Acts 5:1-11) 
  • - The problem is NOT God's structure; the problem is the hearts of God's people.

2. Problems can arise in church from the success of a church's gospel structure. (5:12-16)
  • - Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to produce specific results. 
  • - People believe in the resurrected Christ. 
  • - Needy people are going to be drawn to the source of life. 
  • - Evangelistic opportunities will arise. 
  • - God's Word provides Gospel solutions. 
  • - Matthew 25:24-40 ; Acts 6

3. Problems can arise in church when jealous agendas provoke a dangerous environment.
  • - Mostly, in America, believers in our churches are not in danger. 
  • - There are places in this world that are dangerous for Christians. 
  • - Why does God call us into dangerous places? 
  • - What is the early church example? (Acts 5:17-42)

4. How do we respond to problems arising in church?
  • - Respond Biblically to sin. 
  • - Recognize that people's needs are real, and they are opportunities to lead people to belief, baptism and community. (1 Corinthians 9:23-24) 
  • - Reply to the world's jealousy with truth (Acts 5:29-32), voluntary/selective submission (Acts 5:40) and joyful proclamation (Acts 5:41-42).
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