Sunday, June 29, 2014

Matthew 5:38-48 - How Our Enemies Become Our Neighbors (Part 8)

     We preach a Kingdom that is not of this world. (John 18:36-37)
     We live our lives as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven with our    
            values, choices and lifestyle modeled and commanded by
            Christ. (Philippians 3:7-8)
     We live like Christ, because He lives in us.  (John 15:4-5)

I. The Kingdom Citizens' Response to Evil People:             (5:38-42)
            A. "You have heard it was said...
            B. Political Level
            C. Personal Level
                  1. "But I say to you, do not resist an evil person"
                  2. Jesus examples of living these Kingdom standards:
                        "whoever slaps you on your right cheek..."
                        "If anyone wants to sue you for your shirt..."
                        "whoever forces you to go one mile..."
                        "to him who asks of you...or wants to borrow from you.."
                  3. Non-resistance is not enough!

II. The Kingdom Citizens' Response to Enemies:                (5:43-44)
            A. "You have heard that it was said..."
            B. Children of God the Father love like this:
                  1. "love your enemies"
                  2. "pray for those who persecute you"

III. The Kingdom Citizens' Response to Living in Two Kingdoms:                                                                                               (5:45-48)
            A. It's all about "breeding" and the way you are raised.
            B. Be different
            C. Be like your Heavenly Father

CONCLUSION: How do our enemies become our neighbors?
            -- Acknowledge your personal death
            -- Depend on Christ for your new identity
            -- Relinquish your loopholes and expansion statements
            -- Extinguish your mechanical genuflection
            -- Flame the fire of Christ's Spirit in you

                        (Philippians 3:7-11)


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