Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ephesians 2:11-22 - Hope for the Hopeless (Part 4)

Death to Life: Hope for the Hopeless (Ephesians 2:11-22)
            A: Hopeless Condition (verse 11-12)
(1)   You were separate from Christ:
This can also be translated as without Christ.
(2)   Excluded from the commonwealth of Israel:
Commonwealth: “any group of persons united by some common interest”. This is literally "citizenship" (politeia). Gentiles were excluded from the people whom God had chosen as His own.
(3)   Strangers to the Covenants of the Promise:
This may speak of several covenants that God had made with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3; 15:7-21; 17:1-21), Isaac (Gen. 26:2-5), Jacob (Gen. 28:13-15), the nation (through Moses, Exod. 24:1-8), and David (2 Sam. 7).
(4)   You (we) had no Hope:
Jews hope was in the promises and covenant of God with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, before Christ Gentiles did not share the same hope as Jews.
(5)   Without God:
Those who had no knowledge of God. (ä'-the-OS), English word atheist is derived from this Greek word. This is the condition of every man and woman without Christ.
B: Hope in Christ (Verse 13-17)
(1)   Far away have been brought near:
Gentiles through Christ are brought near to God. Even though, as Gentiles, we would have been kept away from the worship that the Jews enjoyed, now God has brought us near to Himself. Now  we can enjoy the intimacy of a personal relationship with the living God.
(2)   The dividing wall of hostility is destroyed:
Everything that needed to unite Jews and Gentiles is accomplished by Jesus Christ. Because of this reason we can have unity with people who are not like us. Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11.
(3)   The law is abolished:
Put an end to it - kä-tär-Ge'-ō.
This does not mean that the Old Testament is not inspired for the believers (Matt. 5:17-19).  Meaning the Law is not the means of salvation (Acts 15, Romans 4, Galatians 3)
(4)   Reconcile:
Bring back a former state of harmony
The way Jews and Gentiles are reconciled through Christ, all believers have the same hope through Christ for unity.
C: Evidence and honor of Hope: (Verse 18-22)
(1)   Access in one Spirit to the Father
(2)   No Longer aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people.
(3)   Members of God’s household
(4)   Built on the foundation of Apostles and Prophets
(5)   Christ is the chief cornerstone
(6)   And in him you (we believers) are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.


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