Sunday, October 12, 2014

Revive Special Series 2014 - Politics and Christian Faith (Part 1)

Politics and Christian Faith Outline
1-2 opening songs?
Lesson (2 or 3 elders can split this section up)
Part 1: What is the proper view of government/politics?
-       Government and politics are a necessary result of the Fall;
-       Rom. 13:1 - Each ruler is part of God’s plan
-       Example: John 19:10-11 - authority was given to Pilate from above
-       America is not Israel - democracy vs. theocracy
-       America has been around for less than 300 years! Republicans & Democrats (& Libertarians) for less than that!
-       Our hope should be in Christ’s Kingdom, not government or a political party
-       Heb. 11:16, 13:14 - seeking a heavenly country.
-       Phil. 3:20 - Citizenship is in heaven
-       John 18:36-37 - Jesus’ Kingdom not of this world
Part 2: How should/can Christians be involved in government/politics?
-       We should care for the communities in which we live (Jer. 29).
-       We should display God’s character
-       Fruit of the Spirit
-       God’s attributes: justice, compassion, holiness
-       We should submit to government - even not great governments.
-       Acts 5:27-32 - Obedience to God first
-       Rom. 13:1-7, 1 Pet. 2:13-17
-       Mark 12:13-17 - Paying Taxes
-       We should vote. (Jer. 29)
-       We should shine as lights through careers, volunteerism, activism as God leads.
-       Gen. 1:26-31 - Created in God’s image
-       We display God’s image through pursuing God’s values. Justice. Care for poor. Care for environment.
-       Examples - Esther. Boenhoeffer. Wilberforce.
Part 3: How do we handle political disagreement?
-       See Parts 1 & 2!
-       Our goals are God’s goals. Not party goals.
-       Leave room for conscience in non-biblical issues (Rom. 14).
-       Be dogmatic mainly about Scripture’s morals & theology - not about it’s political application.
-       Pursue unity in Christ first. (Ephesians 2 & 3)
-       A Christian republican has more unity with a Christian Democrat than with a non-Christian Republican.
-       Prayer. For country, leaders, etc. (1 Tim. 2:1-4)

Discussion Questions (Have 3-4 Group Leaders)
-       What are good reasons why a Christian might not vote?
-       How can a Christian shine for Jesus in something as divisive as politics?
-       Should Christians all belong to the same political party? Why or why not?
-       If we must submit to government, is there ever a time when a revolution is appropriate? Why or why not?
-       What should we do if the government is corrupt?
-       What is the role of conscience in regards to specific political issues?
-       Are there any notable biblical issues that are linchpins in deciding how to vote?

Q&A Panel
-       2-3 elders plus 1-2 congregation members?


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