Sunday, November 1, 2015

1 Samuel 24:1-22 - Wait for God (Part 16)

King of Kings, Part 16
1 Samuel 24:1-22
Wait for God: 
When Taking Action Seems to Make Sense but Waiting Is the Correct Response

Introduction (24:1-3)

I: We are more than bystanders! (24:3-11)
 1. God defines our roles in HIS kingdom. (3b)
   - Good Works: Ephesians 2:6-10
 2. Circumstances do not determine God's plan. (4a)
   - Self-Centeredness: Proverbs 16:9; Jeremiah 29:11; Mark 4:36-41; 1 Corinthians 16:8-9
 3. Our pride draws attention away from God's plan and toward our own role. (5-7)
   - Cleverness: Isaiah 42:8; Jeremiah 9:23-24; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31; Romans 12:6; James 4:6
  a. It is not for us to judge who is and who is not God's anointed. (8-11)
   - Saul: 1 Samuel 10:1,9-10; 13:14; 15:35; 16:13-14
   - Jesus Christ: Luke 4:18-19 (Isaiah 61:1-2)
   - Believers in Christ: 2 Corinthians 1:21-22; 1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27
   - Judging vs Discerning: Matthew7:1-3; 15-20; John 13:35 1 John 2:19; 1 Chronicles 16:21-22 (Genesis 20:7)

II: We are more than conquerors! (24:12-19)
 1. Our active submission magnifies God's character. (12-13)
   - Jesus Christ: John 12:27, 28
 2. Our declaration of active submission magnifies God's character. (14-15)
   - Apostle Paul: Philippians 1:20; Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31
 3. Our passionate submission magnifies God's transforming character. (16-19)
   - Believers in Christ: Romans 8:37; 1 John 5:4-5, 11-12

III: We will reign with God! But not yet! (24:20-22)
 1. We recognize that we are anointed as priests and kings.
   - Our Reign: 2 Corinthians 2:21-22; Romans 5:17; Revelation 1:5-6, 5:9-10, 20:6, 22:5
 2. Jesus' suffering teaches how to live as holy aliens.
   - Our Preparation: 2 Timothy 2:10-12; 1 Peter 2:9-11; 5:4
 3. Until we reign with Christ, we rely on the strength of God!
   - Our Stronghold: Psalm 18:1-3; Nahum 1:7


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