Sunday, February 14, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 2 - God is Equipping His Church to Glorify His Name

Acts: Gospel in the City
God Is Equipping His Church To Glorify His Name
 Acts 2:1-47
Pankaj Macwan

God uses many different ways to demonstrate His power, purpose, and plan to His people.

1.  Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit:
-It can be sudden (Acts 2:2)
-It can be like rushing wind and tongues of fire (Acts 2:2)
-It can be through the Pillar of Cloud or the Pillar of Fire (Exodus 13:21)
-The building shakes (Acts 4:31)

2. Purpose is to witness to all nations:
-So that believers can have an overhwelming sense of the presence of God
-So we can go from knowledge of God to experiencing the presence of God
-So that we can praise Him
-So that He will be glorified among all the nations

God's purpose is to equip His church to be filled with the Holy Spirit to witness to all the nations and to glorify  His name.


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