Sunday, December 6, 2015

Matthew 10:16-39 - Jesus Came to Bring A Sword (Part 2)

Advent, Part 2
Jesus Came to Bring A Sword
Matthew 10:16-39

I. The Sword of Advent
A. WHAT: There will be separation between Christians and the world (10:34-36)
- We are different, but we are sent into the world.
B. WHY: Jesus calls us to supreme love and allegiance.
- Greater than family relationships (10:37)
- Complete and All-encompassing (10:38)
- Not because we are jerks (10:16, 1 Peter 3:15-16)
- Not because we are better.

II. The Security of Advent
- We will be saved - therefore we endure. (10:22)
- He knows all - therefore we don’t fear. (10:29-30)
- He will acknowledge us - therefore we acknowledge him. (10:32-33)
- He will give true life - therefore we give him our life. (10:39)


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