Sunday, February 28, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 4 - Gospel Shared in the Public Arena

Gospel In The City
Gospel Shared In The Public Arena
Acts 4:1-35
Pankaj Macwan

1. Reach Out:
 A) Gospel Shared (1-12)
  -God raised Jesus from the dead
  -Jesus healed this man
  -Jesus is the cornerstone
  -Salvation is only through Jesus

 B) Gospel opposed (13-22)
  -What the opposition saw
  -Boldness of Peter and John
  -Uneducated and untrained men
  -They were with Jesus
  -And the man who was healed

 C) How the opposition reasoned
-A notable sign has been performed
-Which we cannot deny it
-Let us prevent notable sign

2. Bold response from Peter and John
  -We will speak of what we have seen and heard
  -Prayed for boldness

3. Reach In (32-34)
  -Unity in the church
  -Believers were of one heart and one soul
  -They had everything in common
  -The apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
  -Grace was upon them
  -There was not a needy person among them

Audio Link

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 3 - The Joyful Gospel

Act: Gospel in the City
Title: "The Joyful Gospel"
Scripture: Acts 3:1-4:4

When God intervenes in our lives, He brings joyful focus to Himself and His Purpose!
                --At the end of Acts 2, we see a great ripple sweep across the City of Jerusalem!

1. When God intervenes in our lives, the results are joyful! (Acts 3:1-10)
                --The natural condition (3:1-3)
                --The Name of Jesus of Nazareth (3:4-7)
                --Rejoice in the Lord Always (3:8-10)
                --What is our access to Jesus now?

2. When God intervenes in our lives, this joyful event has a contagious effect! (Acts 3:9-26)
                --Preparation for worship (3:9-11)
                --Peter's Second Powerful Sermon (3:12-26)
                                --The Joyful News!
                                                --Jesus is the glorified, long-awaited Servant of the Lord! (3:13)
                                                --Jesus is the Holy and Righteous One! (3:14)
                                                --Jesus is the Prince of life, raised by God from the dead! (3:15)
                                                --Jesus is the completion of your faith! (3:16)
                                                --Jesus is the fulfillment of all prophecy! (3:18)
                                --The Bad News!
                                                --YOU marshaled Jesus before Rome's authority and demanded his crucifixion! (3:13)
                                                --YOU demanded that a murderer be released and YOU put Jesus to death! (3:14)
                                                --Just like generations before you, YOU acted in ignorance! (3:17)
                                --More Joyful News!
                                                --Repent! (3:19)
                                                --Have Faith in the Name of Jesus! (3:16; 2:38; Romans 10:13 "Whoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved."
                                                --Know God's purpose for YOU! (3:26)
                --A word to non-believers
                --A word to believers

3. When God intervenes in our lives, His resurrection news is disturbing! (Acts 4:1-4)
                --Some respond to restrict or contain the joyful news. (4:2-3)
                --Some respond to receive and proclaim the joyful news. (4:4)
                --How will you respond this morning?


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 2 - God is Equipping His Church to Glorify His Name

Acts: Gospel in the City
God Is Equipping His Church To Glorify His Name
 Acts 2:1-47
Pankaj Macwan

God uses many different ways to demonstrate His power, purpose, and plan to His people.

1.  Presence and the Power of the Holy Spirit:
-It can be sudden (Acts 2:2)
-It can be like rushing wind and tongues of fire (Acts 2:2)
-It can be through the Pillar of Cloud or the Pillar of Fire (Exodus 13:21)
-The building shakes (Acts 4:31)

2. Purpose is to witness to all nations:
-So that believers can have an overhwelming sense of the presence of God
-So we can go from knowledge of God to experiencing the presence of God
-So that we can praise Him
-So that He will be glorified among all the nations

God's purpose is to equip His church to be filled with the Holy Spirit to witness to all the nations and to glorify  His name.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 1 - The Effective Gospel

Gospel in the City
The Effective Gospel
Acts 1:1-15
Russ Grelling

You have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also, you have been commanded to share the Gospel effectively.

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Luke introduces his second inspired record by summarizing the 40 days of Christ's presence in this condemned world. (Acts 1:1-3)

                1.  Christ commands His followers to wait for the Promise from God. (Acts 1:4-5)
    • The Promise of the Holy Spirit (John14:16-17 "another helper;" 16:7-8 "it is to your advantage", 14)
    • Waiting for the Holy Spirit (Psalm 27:14; Psalm 46:10; Isaiah 40:31)
                2.  Christ commands His followers to receive the Promise from God. (Acts 1:6-11)
  • The Promise is two-sided:
    • "You will receive power" (Isaiah 61:1-2)
    • "You will be my witnesses" (John 14:7 "he will empower you to be witnesses;" Matthew 28:18-20)
  • You will be focused! (Acts 1:9-11))
                3.  While waiting , Christ's followers prepare to receive the Promise from God. (Acts 1:12-15ff) 
  • Christ's followers gather with purpose.  (John 14:7; Acts 1:12-15)
  • Christ's followers seek Christ's community structure.  (Acts 1:16-25)
    • Replacing Judas Iscariot (Psalm 41:9; Psalm 69:25; Psalm 109:8; John 17:12)
    • Restoring Christ's apostle model (John 15:16)
  •  Christ's followers declare God's sovereignty.  (Acts 1:26 "and they drew lots for them")
You have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also, you have been commanded to share the Gospel effectively.