Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 3 - The Joyful Gospel

Act: Gospel in the City
Title: "The Joyful Gospel"
Scripture: Acts 3:1-4:4

When God intervenes in our lives, He brings joyful focus to Himself and His Purpose!
                --At the end of Acts 2, we see a great ripple sweep across the City of Jerusalem!

1. When God intervenes in our lives, the results are joyful! (Acts 3:1-10)
                --The natural condition (3:1-3)
                --The Name of Jesus of Nazareth (3:4-7)
                --Rejoice in the Lord Always (3:8-10)
                --What is our access to Jesus now?

2. When God intervenes in our lives, this joyful event has a contagious effect! (Acts 3:9-26)
                --Preparation for worship (3:9-11)
                --Peter's Second Powerful Sermon (3:12-26)
                                --The Joyful News!
                                                --Jesus is the glorified, long-awaited Servant of the Lord! (3:13)
                                                --Jesus is the Holy and Righteous One! (3:14)
                                                --Jesus is the Prince of life, raised by God from the dead! (3:15)
                                                --Jesus is the completion of your faith! (3:16)
                                                --Jesus is the fulfillment of all prophecy! (3:18)
                                --The Bad News!
                                                --YOU marshaled Jesus before Rome's authority and demanded his crucifixion! (3:13)
                                                --YOU demanded that a murderer be released and YOU put Jesus to death! (3:14)
                                                --Just like generations before you, YOU acted in ignorance! (3:17)
                                --More Joyful News!
                                                --Repent! (3:19)
                                                --Have Faith in the Name of Jesus! (3:16; 2:38; Romans 10:13 "Whoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved."
                                                --Know God's purpose for YOU! (3:26)
                --A word to non-believers
                --A word to believers

3. When God intervenes in our lives, His resurrection news is disturbing! (Acts 4:1-4)
                --Some respond to restrict or contain the joyful news. (4:2-3)
                --Some respond to receive and proclaim the joyful news. (4:4)
                --How will you respond this morning?


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