Sunday, February 28, 2016

Gospel in the City: Acts 4 - Gospel Shared in the Public Arena

Gospel In The City
Gospel Shared In The Public Arena
Acts 4:1-35
Pankaj Macwan

1. Reach Out:
 A) Gospel Shared (1-12)
  -God raised Jesus from the dead
  -Jesus healed this man
  -Jesus is the cornerstone
  -Salvation is only through Jesus

 B) Gospel opposed (13-22)
  -What the opposition saw
  -Boldness of Peter and John
  -Uneducated and untrained men
  -They were with Jesus
  -And the man who was healed

 C) How the opposition reasoned
-A notable sign has been performed
-Which we cannot deny it
-Let us prevent notable sign

2. Bold response from Peter and John
  -We will speak of what we have seen and heard
  -Prayed for boldness

3. Reach In (32-34)
  -Unity in the church
  -Believers were of one heart and one soul
  -They had everything in common
  -The apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus
  -Grace was upon them
  -There was not a needy person among them

Audio Link

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