Sunday, April 26, 2015

Colossians 1:24-29 - Christ In You (Part 3)

Greater, Part 3
Christ In You
Colossians 1:24-29

I. "Christ in You" Resets Your Purpose! (vs. 24-27a)
- The Gospel of Paul (Col. 1:1- 23)
- Paul's Gospel Ministry
- Paul's Gospel Defense
a) Gnostic Creation
b) Gnostic Jesus
c) Gnostic Holiness
- Paul's Gospel Ministry
- Your Gospel Ministry

II. "Christ in You" Overcomes our Differences! (vs. 1:27b)
-  God's Mystery is Christ Himself (Col. 2:3)
- "You are all brothers (and sisters)" (Matt. 23:8)
- "Make disciples of all the nations
   (ethnos)" (Matt. 28:19)
-  Discern Differences, But Don't Idolize

III. "Christ in You" Reconciles You To Holiness! (vs. 28)
- Reconciled to Holiness (Col. 1:21-23)
- Commanded to be Holy (Col. 1:23; 3:12)
- Required to be Holy (Heb. 12:14)
- Truth of Holiness (1 John 4:4)

IIII. "Christ in You" Establishes Your Vocation in Christ!   (Col. 1:29)
-  Paul's Unremitting Purpose was his Vocation
-  Your Context of Reality Prioritizes your Labor
   (Luke 12:32-34)
- "Christ in You" Makes All the Difference

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