Sunday, May 3, 2015

Collossians 2:1-15 - Greater than Worldly Wisdom (Part 4)

Greater, Part 4
Greater than Worldly Wisdom
Col. 2:1-15

1. The goal of growth - 2:1-5
- Love AND knowledge
2. The path of growth - 2:6-7
- Christianity is a complete lifestyle of discipleship.
- The same way we started is the way that we grow.
- Abounding in thanksgiving
3. The hindrance towards growth - 2:8-10
4. The power for growth - 2:11-15
- Jesus circumcises our old selves.
- Jesus buries us and raises us as new creatures.
- Jesus forgives all our sins.
- Jesus absorbs all our debt.
- Jesus conquers all our enemies.


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