Colossians 3:
1-11 Greater Identity
A: Seek Heavenly (1-4)
1. What does it mean to seek things that are above
- Conscious choice to direct the heart toward God. Phil 4:8
- You have been raised with Christ
- Create discipline to follow make Christ our ultimate treasure, Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
2. Why does it matter
- Because Christ is seated at the right hand of God, this reminds us of Christ’s exalted position with God the Father.
- His promises remind us that He will not leave you as orphans, because I live, you will live also.
- For you have died and therefore we do not have any obligation to live like how we used to live. Romans 6: 3-13, Galatian 2:20
- Our life is hidden with Christ: This gives security that our life is hidden with the One who is seated at the right hand of God.
B: Die to Earthly things (5-9)
1. We must put to death the sensual sins:
- Sexual immorality
- Impurity
- Passion
- Evil Desire
- Covetousness, which is idolatry
- Jesus reminded us to pluck out our eye if it causes us to sin (Mt 5:29-note). He didn't mean to cause harm to our bodies, but rather we are to take strong action when we are tempted to sin.
2. We must put to death the social sins:
- Anger
- Wrath
- Malice
- Slander
- Obscene talk
- Do not lie
- Because believers have a new identity in Christ, you are continually being renewed in Him. Believers are completely united and identified with Jesus and we have died and have been raised with Christ.
C: Display
Liberty (10-11)
- We display Christ by our words and actions
- In Christ, we are declared "new"
- We are all united and equal in Him
- Christ is all in all! Referring to our liberty and worth in Christ.
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