Sunday, February 15, 2015

Philippians 2:17-30 - Loving the Church (Part 7)

Loving the Church
Worth It, Part 7
Philippians 2:17-30

0. Paul's Plans for the Philippians
- First, Paul is sending Epaphroditus to Philippi right away (2:25).
- Second, Paul is sending Timothy to Philippi in a little while (2:19).
- Third, Paul hopes to visit Philippi after he is released from prison (2:24).
- Real Letters. Real relationships.

1. Those who love the church risk and sacrifice to serve others.
- Risk - it potentially costs something.
- Sacrifice - it costs something
- Serve - it’s done for others

2. Those who love the church seek Jesus’ glory by furthering the gospel.

3. Those who love the church rejoice.


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