Sunday, February 22, 2015

Philippians 3: 1-11 - Loss = Gain (Part 8)

Philippians 3: 1-11 Loss = Gain

v 1: Finally can be translated as, “Therefore” or “Furthermore”. Also it can be translated as, “as for what remains to be said”. Here it is used to transition to the final matter.

Also, throughout Philippians Paul has used “Rejoicing” as section markers, (vv 1:4, 1:18, 2:17-18).

“Rejoice in the Lord”.
We should Rejoice in the Lord, not in rituals, or following law. True joy only comes from Christ.

Dogs in ancient societies were considered unclean.
Evil doers: Means those who do evil, evil is not endorsed by God
Mutilate the flesh: “The Greek word for circumcision is “pertome” meaning to cut around, however Paul uses another word for circumcision, “ka ta to me” meaning, “cutting to pieces”, taken from Gordon D Lee.

worship God in the Spirit
Have no confidence in the flesh

V 4-6
Paul is not boasting about his achievements
His faith in Christ was based upon God's grace
My salvation comes through faith in Christ.

V 7-11
Paul put his status and achievements in the “loss” column
Our relationships with Christ should have supreme priority
Knowing Christ should be my number one goal in life.


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